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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Episode 108: Goth Moms, or Jason Lee Don't Crack

This week, Destiny is joined by Jackson Tyler of Abnormal Mapping to chat about series finales (without spoilers), writing, and the hip new movie trailers of our current era. Jackson edited this episode so there's a lot of interesting audio. Donate to his Patreon because he is a talented babe and we want to keep him in chocolate.

Direct Download

Relevant Links:
Jackson's website
June Tabor, "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" 
Janelle Monae, "Yoga"
The End of Mad Men Podcast
Zeta One trailer
Life Itself trailer
The Polymath trailer
The Force Awakens trailer

I'd link the Hateful Eight teaser here but it keeps getting removed by the suits. :(

Fucking Books:
Dendera by Yuya Sato
Comic Insights by Franklin Ajaye